YOUR job is to be a creator.
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Ann Perry Numerologist

Can I be honest with you? I've been struggling a bit.

It's no secret. I work my ass off. Why? Because I am so blessed to do what I LOVE and to LOVE what I do! But I've been feeling really off balance lately.

Have you ever invested a ton of time into something? You know... you put your heart and soul into it but others don't seem to appreciate it as much as you do?

That's kind of been where I've been.

But recently I got a coco bonk from Spirit (it happens!) to relax because, after all,  I am only the creator! How liberating is that?!

See here's the thing. Whenever we are inspired to create anything, Spirit has already decided who our creation is for. Whether it's a painting, a poem, a song, a blog post, or social media content, you are the chosen one to create what needs to be created for the chosen recipient.

Who knew I didn't have to sweat about how many people would be inspired by my work?

Who knew that it was never my job to get people to engage in my work?

My job is to be a creator.
YOUR job is to be a creator.

Inspiration comes to us when Spirit wants us to create something that will inspire someone else. Most times we don't even know who we are creating for. We just have to heed the notion to create when the call comes.

But here's something I learned.

We need to drop the expectations we have for our creations.
We need to TRUST that what we have created will be found by those who need it most... in the perfect timing for them.

We need to surrender to the creative process however it manifests within us.

This isn't about arts and crafts, people.

This is about stepping it up when Spirit gives you a nudge and releasing any expectations around the outcome of your creation.

We are all here to serve humanity and to be of service.

I don't know about you but I'm about to send my ego on a very long vacation so I can start having fun creating without any expectation in return. Amen to that!
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Ann Perry Numerologist, Box 1466, Halifax, Nova Scotia B0J 2L0, Canada

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