Is it really that easy?
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Ann Perry Numerologist

Once in a while I notice a theme that shows up during my readings. It seems like everyone is struggling with the same issue.

The resounding theme that has been showing up recently is the need to accept things as they are.

Now this may sound contrary to all of the noise related to 2024 which asks us to step it up and manifest a better life for ourselves rather than laying idle.

But there's a fine line here.

Granted, sometimes we need to dig deeper while mustering the courage to change a difficult situation in our lives. Sometimes it's absolutely necessary to take the reins and reach for a better reality.

But there are times when we need to recognize there are things that we just cannot change. Sometimes we are faced with challenges that look like they need to be fixed but, in essence, they are divinely ordered and perfect for what Spirit feels we need to learn.

I'm only bringing this up because 2024 promises to be a year filled with karma playing itself out. An 8 universal year will illuminate everything (good and bad) that has been put into motion over the last 7 years. So a lot of what is happening right now is happening because of the law of cause and effect.

The Serenity Prayer may just be the support you need in 2024.

"God/Spirit, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Let's face it. There are things in life that you will never have control over. Sometimes we need to accept that crappy things are pre-destined or karmic in nature and the best we can do is accept them while trying to be grateful for the lesson the crap brings us. (Doesn't that sound eloquent?)

It's not always possible for us to understand why bad things happen to good people. That's where faith comes in. That's where we need to trust that the Divine has a bigger plan for us that is often beyond our comprehension. It's also possible that the challenges we are facing were written into our Soul Contracts by us to enrich our evolution in this lifetime.

Sometimes we just need to accept that "It is what it is."

When we can accept that it is what it is, we are no longer in a place of "wishing" it were different. It just is what it is. Now we have something to work with. Wishing for something to be different doesn't allow for movement toward a better solution. Wishing keeps us paralyzed and immobile.

When you can accept that it is what it is, you place yourself in the energy of acceptance rather than resistance.

I'm not saying that accepting the crappy stuff is easy or that you just need to collapse into a state of powerlessness as you accept the crappy state you are in. Far from it! Your power will come when you accept that whatever you are facing is what it is and nothing more.

2024 offers us the opportunity to manifest beyond our wildest dreams! But sometimes it's necessary to recognize what is in our best interest to change and what is in our best interest to accept.

Either way, we all need to practice surrendering to something bigger and wiser than ourselves. After all, we signed up for Earth School so let's not lose sight of the fact that EVERYTHING is a lesson.

Let's kick off 2024 by being more accepting of the lessons. Let's learn to open up to the possibility of what gem could be hidden in the drama. Let us all be reminded that what we resist will persist.

It is my hope for you that in 2024, you will practice looking at challenges with curiosity and an open heart.

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Ann Perry Numerologist, Box 1466, Halifax, Nova Scotia B0J 2L0, Canada

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