What's your real reason for that big purchase?
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Ann Perry Numerologist

It seems like yesterday when I was first invited to speak about Numerology at a public conference. You'd think the Queen of England herself had invited me!

I was nervous. This was my first public gig! So what did I do?

I went out and bought a new outfit for the occasion.
Seems reasonable enough, right?

Then I did the unthinkable. I went and bought a $600 laptop!
Now remember that this was in 2001 and $600 may as well have been $6,000!

Did I need a new outfit? Nope.
Did I need a new laptop? Hell no!

So why then did I buy them?

Because I felt that a new outfit and a laptop to match would make me look more successful. Or at the very least help me to "feel" more successful.

I couldn't possibly imagine walking into the hotel lobby without sporting a laptop! I could just hear the front desk staff chuckling under their breath. "She can't possibly be that good. She doesn't look very professional." Ugh.

I'm only bringing this up because we are heading into the biggest retail time of the year and many shiny things will be taunting you to take them home.

Can you relate? Have you bought a piece of clothing, jewelry, or even a car partly because it made you feel better about yourself?

So here's something I learned that might just help you too.

Before you cave in and buy that "thing" you really want, do this instead:

  • Pause. Step away from that "thing" and put yourself in time-out.
  • Ask yourself if this is a need or a want. (Either way is fine but you need to get clear on why you're even considering this purchase in the first place.)
  • Now here's a big one ... Ask yourself, "What emotional need in me is not being met that says I have to buy this right now?"

How did that land with you?
Are you currently feeling unsuccessful? Unloved? Unattractive?
Will buying this "thing" continue to bring you joy or is it just a quick fix?

Look around your home and do an inventory of all the things you have acquired.

What were you feeling when you bought them?
What emotion was the driving reason why that "thing" is now collecting dust in your living room?
Does that "thing" bring you joy or does it rob your energy?

I promise that if you'll pause and tune into the reason why you feel you need to buy this "thing",  you'll spend less and bring home less clutter.

That old green laptop I bought in 2001 sat in my closet until just this year. I kept it as a humble reminder of how far I've come.
That laptop reminded me of a time when I needed to buy things so I could look the part.
It reminded me of a time when I had little to no self-esteem.
It reminded me of a time when I really needed to fit in.

I'm happy to say that I'm no longer that girl and it's more than ok to let that dusty reminder go!

The same holds true when you are buying for someone else.

Ask yourself what your motive is for buying this gift.
Are you filling a need that YOU think they have just because YOU have this need?
Are you feeling guilty about not being enough so you over-buy?
Are you buying an extravagant gift to make yourself look good?
Before you make that purchase, consider if you are adding to the recipient's clutter or to their joy.

This year, maybe it's time to consider purchasing a gift certificate for an experience. Explore some things they love to eat. Consumables are amazing as they don't collect dust on the shelf and block the energy in their home. Or how about making a donation to their favorite cause?

Remember... All that glitters isn't gold!

And here's one more tip...

If you have a dominant 1, 5 or 8 in your chart, I'm talking to you!
The 8's like the bling!
The 5's like the rush that comes from a spontaneous purchase.
And the 1's love to satisfy their image.

Check out my Resource Page to learn more about the numbers in your Numerology chart.

And when it comes to shopping for gifts, check out my Guide to Gift Giving by the Numbers.
6 Psychics Under One Roof
Now it's time to step away from all of the introspection of the past year. It’s time to get out of your head and get into the game of manifestation!
Live Online Sunday, December 10th at 12pm ET
Get your ticket here.
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Ann Perry Numerologist, Box 1466, Halifax, Nova Scotia B0J 2L0, Canada

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